Comparison with ScalaTest and Specs2

Feature LambdaTest ScalaTest Specs2
lines of code ~1K ~400K ~50K
jar size 85KB 7MB 6MB
written in Scala Scala/Java Scala/Java
functional/immutable yes no no
easy to customize yes no no
easy to generate tests yes no no
wrap code wrappers before/after before/after
supports ScalaCheck yes yes yes
tagged/ignored tests yes yes yes
timed tests yes Note 1 yes no
performance tests yes Note 1 no no
major dependencies only ScalaCheck lots lots
actor message tests yes Note 2 no no
log message tests yes Note 2 no no
capture test output yes Note 3 yes yes

LambdaTest has a simple clean fully functional/immutable API that makes it easy to define new kinds of assertions and compound testing forms (such as wrappers). This simple API also provides the option of having code that generates an entire test suite rather than having to write each test manually.


Wrappers offer many advantages over use of before and after.

  • Single function (wrapper) rather than 2 (before and after).
  • Does not require mutable state.
  • Can catch exceptions.
  • Can hide state needed both before and after.
  • Can be applied at any level.

All these features are discussed in this documentation with links to demo code that illustrate the features.