Compare Benchmarks with CI

Hood gives you the ability to integrate the benchmark comparison into your CI and integrate the result into a Github pull request.

It provides compareBenchmarksCI Gradle task which compares compare a benchmark with a series of benchmarks and then it creates a new comment with the comparison result in the pull request. For instance, look at this comment. If new commits are added to the same pull request, the comment will be updated with the new comparison result. It also adds an status to the pull request.

The compareBenchmarksCI task has parameters in common with the compareBenchmarks task:

  • previousBenchmarkPath: File with previous or master benchmark location. By default: master.csv.
  • currentBenchmarkPath: List of files with current or pull request benchmark location. By default: an empty list.
  • keyColumnName: Column name to distinguish each benchmark on the comparison. By default: Benchmark.
  • compareColumnName: Column name of the column to compare (the values must be a Double). By default: Score.
  • thresholdColumnName: Column name to get the threshold per benchmark. By default: Score Error (99.9%).
  • generalThreshold: Common threshold for all benchmarks overriding the value coming from thresholdColumnName. Optional.
  • benchmarkThreshold: Map with a custom threshold per benchmark key overriding the value coming from thresholdColumnName or generalThreshold. Optional.
  • include: Regular expression to include only the benchmarks with a matching key. Optional.
  • exclude: Regular expression to exclude the benchmarks using its key. Optional.

The include/exclude feature and benchmarkThreshold param use the cleaned key from benchmarks. This means the key for hood.comparing will be Comparing with the capitalization.

These extra parameters are necessary for the CI integration:

  • token: The Github access token.
  • repositoryOwner: The repository owner.
  • repositoryName: The repository name.
  • pullRequestSha: The sha for the Pull Request.
  • pullRequestNumber: The number of the Pull Request.
  • statusTargetUrl: The URL to the CI job. Optional.

Note: Currently, Hood only supports CSV and JSON based benchmarks with cross comparison available.

Note 2: If the CI integration is not available because one of the requested fields above is not defined, the task compareBenchmarksCI will be executed in the same way as compareBenchmarks.

Send output to a file

The task can send the result to a file with the following parameters:

  • outputToFile: Sends the output to a file. By default: false.
  • outputPath: The path to the output file. By default: ./hood/comparison.
  • outputFormat: The output file format; we support two formats MD and JSON. By default: MD.

Note: To print a JSON output file, all the benchmarks must be in JSON format. CSV benchmarks will be ignored.

Configuration examples

For GitHub Actions

It’s necessary to provide new environment variables:

- name: Run benchmark comparison
  run: ./gradlew :<module>:compareBenchmarksCI

An example of the configuration for the compareBenchmarksCI task:

compareBenchmarksCI {
  previousBenchmarkPath = file("$rootDir/hood_master/build/reports/master_benchmark.json")
  currentBenchmarkPath = [file("$rootDir/build/reports/hood_benchmark.json")]
  outputToFile = true
  outputFormat = "json"
  benchmarkThreshold = ["Parsing": 250.00, "Decodingfromraw": 250.00]
  token = System.getenv("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  repositoryOwner = "47degrees"
  repositoryName = "hood"
  pullRequestSha = System.getenv("GITHUB_SHA")
  pullRequestNumber = (System.getenv("PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER") != "false") ? System.getenv("PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER")?.toInteger() : -1
tasks.compareBenchmarksCI {
  previousBenchmarkPath = file("$rootDir/hood_master/build/reports/master_benchmark.json")
  currentBenchmarkPath = listOf(file("$rootDir/build/reports/hood_benchmark.json"))
  outputToFile = true
  outputFormat = "json"
  benchmarkThreshold = mapOf("Parsing" to 250.00, "Decodingfromraw" to 250.00)
  token = System.getenv("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  repositoryOwner = "47degrees"
  repositoryName = "hood"
  pullRequestSha = System.getenv("GITHUB_SHA")
  pullRequestNumber =
    if (System.getenv("PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER") != "false") System.getenv("PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER").toInt() else -1

For Travis CI

compareBenchmarksCI {
  previousBenchmarkPath = file("$rootDir/hood_master/build/reports/master_benchmark.json")
  currentBenchmarkPath = [file("$rootDir/build/reports/hood_benchmark.json")]
  outputToFile = true
  outputFormat = "json"
  benchmarkThreshold = ["Parsing": 250.00, "Decodingfromraw": 250.00]
  token = System.getenv("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  repositoryOwner = "47degrees"
  repositoryName = "hood"
  pullRequestSha = System.getenv("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA")
  pullRequestNumber = (System.getenv("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST") != "false") ? System.getenv("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST")?.toInteger() : -1
  statusTargetUrl = System.getenv("TRAVIS_JOB_WEB_URL") ? URI.create(System.getenv("TRAVIS_JOB_WEB_URL")) : null
tasks.compareBenchmarksCI {
  previousBenchmarkPath = file("$rootDir/hood_master/build/reports/master_benchmark.json")
  currentBenchmarkPath = listOf(file("$rootDir/build/reports/hood_benchmark.json"))
  outputToFile = true
  outputFormat = "json"
  benchmarkThreshold = mapOf("Parsing" to 250.00, "Decodingfromraw" to 250.00)
  token = System.getenv("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  repositoryOwner = "47degrees"
  repositoryName = "hood"
  pullRequestSha = System.getenv("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA")
  pullRequestNumber =
    if (System.getenv("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST") != "false") System.getenv("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST").toInt() else -1
  statusTargetUrl = (System.getenv("TRAVIS_JOB_WEB_URL") ?: URI.create(System.getenv("TRAVIS_JOB_WEB_URL"))) as URI?