Upload benchmarks

Hood allows you to automatically upload the benchmarks you want to keep updated in your code thought commits during the CI.

The task uploadBenchmarks has the following parameters:

  • benchmarkFiles: The list of benchmark files you want to upload. By default: an empty list.
  • uploadDirectory: The path for the folder where you want to keep them, from project root directory. By default: benchmarks.
  • commitMessage: The message for the task commit uploading the benchmark. By default: Upload benchmark.
  • token: the Github access token.
  • repositoryOwner: The repository owner.
  • repositoryName: The repository name.
  • branch: The branch where you want to upload those benchmarks. By default: master.

Configuration example

uploadBenchmarks {
  benchmarkFiles = [file("$rootDir/build/reports/master_benchmark.json"), file("$rootDir/build/reports/libraries_benchmark.json")]
  token = System.getenv("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  repositoryOwner = "47degrees"
  repositoryName = "hood"
  commitMessage = "[ci skip] - Upload benchmark"
tasks.uploadBenchmarks {
  benchmarkFiles = listOf(file("$rootDir/build/reports/master_benchmark.json"), file("$rootDir/build/reports/libraries_benchmark.json"))
  token = System.getenv("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  repositoryOwner = "47degrees"
  repositoryName = "hood"
  commitMessage = "[ci skip] - Upload benchmark"