Current Status

As of version 0.2.1, the following libraries and classes are supported:

There is an expectation of including more date/time and range classes before 1.0.


To arbitrarily generate dates and times, you need to have the Arbitrary in scope for your date/time class. Assuming Joda Time:

import org.scalacheck.Prop.passed
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import com.fortysevendeg.scalacheck.datetime.joda.ArbitraryJoda._

val prop = forAll { (dt: DateTime) =>
  // some calculations here using the dt parameter


A note on imports

For all of the examples given in this document, you can substitute jdk8 for joda and vice-versa, depending on which library you would like to generate instances for.


The infrastructure behind the generation of date/time instances for any given date/time library, which may take ranges into account, is done using a fairly simple typeclass, which has the type signature ScalaCheckDateTimeInfra[D, R]. That is to say, as long as there is an implicit ScalaCheckDateTimeInfra instance in scope for a given date/time type D (such as Joda’s DateTime) and a range type R (such as Joda’s Period), then the code will compile and be able to provide generated date/time instances.

As stated, currently there are two instances, ScalaCheckDateTimeInfra[DateTime, Period] for Joda Time and ScalaCheckDateTimeInfra[ZonedDateTime, Duration] for Java SE 8’s Date and Time.