Activity API

Github4s supports the Activity API. As a result, with Github4s, you can interact with:

The following examples assume the following code:

import cats.effect.IO
import github4s.Github
import org.http4s.client.{Client, JavaNetClientBuilder}

val httpClient: Client[IO] = JavaNetClientBuilder[IO].create // You can use any http4s backend

val accessToken = sys.env.get("GITHUB_TOKEN")
val gh = Github[IO](httpClient, accessToken)


Set a Thread Subscription

This lets you subscribe or unsubscribe from a conversation.

Unsubscribing from a conversation mutes all future notifications (until you comment or get @mentioned once more).

You can subscribe or unsubscribe using setThreadSub; it takes as arguments:

  • id: Thread id from which you subscribe or unsubscribe.
  • subscribed: Determines if notifications should be received from this thread.
  • ignored: Determines if all notifications should be blocked from this thread.
val threadSub = gh.activities.setThreadSub(5, true, false)
threadSub.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the created or deleted Subscription.

See the API doc for full reference.


List stargazers

You can list the users starring a specific repository with listStargazers; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • timeline: whether or not to return the date at which point the user starred the repository.
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list the stargazers of 47degrees/github4s:

val listStargazers = gh.activities.listStargazers("47degrees", "github4s", true)
listStargazers.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[Stargazer].

See the API doc for full reference.

List starred repositories

You can list the repositories starred by a particular user with listStarredRepositories; it takes as arguments:

  • username: name of the user for which we want to retrieve the starred repositories.
  • timeline: whether or not to return the date at which point the user starred the repository.
  • sort: how to sort the result, can be “created” (when the repo was starred) or “updated” (when the repo was last pushed to), optional.
  • direction: “asc” or “desc”, optional.
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list the starred repositories for user rafaparadela:

val listStarredRepositories = gh.activities.listStarredRepositories("rafaparadela", true)
listStarredRepositories.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[StarredRepository].

See the API doc for full reference.

List public organization events

You can list the events of a particular public organization with listPublicOrganizationEvents; it takes as arguments:

  • org: name of the organization for which we want to retrieve the events.
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list the events for org 47degrees:

val listPublicOrganizationEvents = gh.activities.listPublicOrganizationEvents("47degrees")
listPublicOrganizationEvents.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[PublicGitHubEvent].

See the API doc for full reference.

List public repository events

You can list the events of a particular repository with listPublicRepositoryEvents; it takes as arguments:

  • owner: The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.
  • repo: The name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list the events from the github4s repository owned by 47degrees:

val listPublicRepositoryEvents = gh.activities.listPublicRepositoryEvents("47degrees", "github4s")
listPublicRepositoryEvents.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[PublicGitHubEvent].

See the API doc for full reference.

As you can see, a few features of the activity endpoint are missing.

As a result, if you’d like to see a feature supported, feel free to create an issue and/or a pull request!