Pull Request API

Github4s supports the Pull Request API. As a result, with Github4s, you can interact with:

The following examples assume the following code:

import cats.effect.IO
import github4s.Github
import org.http4s.client.{Client, JavaNetClientBuilder}

val httpClient: Client[IO] = JavaNetClientBuilder[IO].create // You can use any http4s backend

val accessToken = sys.env.get("GITHUB_TOKEN")
val gh = Github[IO](httpClient, accessToken)

Pull requests

Get a pull request

You can get a single pull request for a repository using get; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • the pull request number

To get a single pull request:

val getPullRequest = gh.pullRequests.getPullRequest("47degrees", "github4s", 102)
getPullRequest.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding PullRequest.

See the API doc for full reference.

List pull requests

You can list the pull requests for a repository using list; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • a list of PRFilter.

As an example, let’s say we want the open pull requests in https://github.com/scala/scala sorted by popularity:

import github4s.domain._
val prFilters = List(PRFilterOpen, PRFilterSortPopularity)
val listPullRequests = gh.pullRequests.listPullRequests("scala", "scala", prFilters)
listPullRequests.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the matching List[PullRequest].

See the API doc for full reference.

List the files in a pull request

You can also list the files for a pull request using listFiles; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • the pull request number.

To list the files for a pull request:

val listPullRequestFiles = gh.pullRequests.listFiles("47degrees", "github4s", 102)
listPullRequestFiles.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

the result on the right is the List[PullRequestFile].

See the API doc for full reference.

Create a pull request

If you want to create a pull request, we can follow two different methods.

On the one hand, we can pass the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • title (as part of the NewPullRequestData object): Title for the pull request.
  • body (as part of the NewPullRequestData object): Description for the pull request.
  • head: The name of the branch where your changes are implemented.
  • base: The name of the branch you want the changes pulled into.
  • maintainerCanModify: Optional. Indicates whether maintainers can modify the pull request. true by default.
import github4s.domain.NewPullRequestData

val createPullRequestData = gh.pullRequests.createPullRequest(
  NewPullRequestData("title", "body", draft = false),
createPullRequestData.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

On the other hand, we can pass an issue id (through NewPullRequestIssue object) instead of the title and body.

NOTE: This option deletes the issue.

import github4s.domain.NewPullRequestIssue
val createPullRequestIssue = gh.pullRequests.createPullRequest(
createPullRequestIssue.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

See the API doc for full reference.

Update a pull request branch

Merges the base HEAD into your pull request branch. Note that this is an experimental API, meaning github could stop supporting it at any time or change in an incompatible way.

Accepts these parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • pullRequest: integer id of you pr.
  • expectedHeadSha: The expected SHA of the pull request’s HEAD ref for an optional check on github’s side.
import github4s.domain.BranchUpdateResponse

val updatePullRequestBranch = gh.pullRequests.updateBranch(
updatePullRequestBranch.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

See the API doc for full reference.


List pull request reviews

You can list the reviews for a pull request using listReviews; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • the pull request id.

As an example, if we wanted to see all the reviews for pull request 139 of 47degrees/github4s:

val listReviews = gh.pullRequests.listReviews(
listReviews.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the matching List[PullRequestReview].

See the API doc for full reference.

Get an individual review

You can get an individual review for a pull request using getReview; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • the pull request id.
  • the review id.

As an example, if we wanted to see review 39355613 for pull request 139 of 47degrees/github4s:

val review = gh.pullRequests.getReview(
review.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the matching PullRequestReview.

See the API doc for full reference.

Create a review

You can create a review for a pull request using createReview; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • the pull request id.
  • commit_id (as part of the CreatePRReviewRequest object): The SHA of the commit that needs a review. Defaults to the most recent commit.
  • body (as part of the CreatePRReviewRequest object): Required when using REQUEST_CHANGES or COMMENT for the event parameter. The body text of the pull request review.
  • event (as part of the CreatePRReviewRequest object): The review action you want to perform. By leaving this blank, you set the review action state to PENDING.
  • comments (as part of the CreatePRReviewRequest object): An optional list of draft review comments.
import github4s.domain.{CreatePRReviewRequest, PRREventApprove}

val createReviewData = gh.pullRequests.createReview(
  CreatePRReviewRequest(Some("commit_id"), "body", PRREventApprove)  
createReviewData.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the created PullRequestReview.

See the API doc for full reference.

Review requests

This API allows you to operate on review requests. Reviewers can be users and/or teams. Usernames should be used without a leading ‘@’ sign.

Add reviewers

You can add reviewers for a pull request using addReviewers; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • the pull request id.
  • users and teams you want to add as reviewers

As an example, if we wanted to add torvalds to the reviewers for pull request 139 of 47degrees/github4s:

import github4s.domain._
val addReviewers = gh.pullRequests.addReviewers(
addReviewers.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the updated PullRequest.

NOTE: you can’t request a review from the pr’s author. If your list of added reviewers contains the author, the whole request will be declined.

See the API doc for full reference.

List reviewers

You can list the reviewers for a pull request using listReviewers; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • the pull request id.

As an example, if we wanted to see all the reviewers for pull request 139 of 47degrees/github4s:

val listReviewers = gh.pullRequests.listReviewers(
listReviewers.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the matching ReviewersResponse, which contains all users and teams, whose review has been requested.

See the API doc for full reference.

Remove reviewers

You can remove reviewers from a pull request using removeReviewers; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • the pull request id.
  • users and teams you want to remove from reviewers

As an example, if we wanted to remove torvalds from the reviewers for pull request 139 of 47degrees/github4s:

import github4s.domain._
val removeReviewers = gh.pullRequests.removeReviewers(
removeReviewers.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the updated PullRequest.

See the API doc for full reference.

As you can see, a few features of the pull request endpoint are missing. As a result, if you’d like to see a feature supported, feel free to create an issue and/or a pull request!