Organization API

Github4s supports the Organization API. As a result, with Github4s, you can interact with:

The following examples assume the following code:

import cats.effect.IO
import github4s.Github
import org.http4s.client.{Client, JavaNetClientBuilder}

val httpClient: Client[IO] = JavaNetClientBuilder[IO].create // You can use any http4s backend

val accessToken = sys.env.get("GITHUB_TOKEN")
val gh = Github[IO](httpClient, accessToken)


List members

You can list the members for a particular organization with listMembers; it takes as arguments:

  • org: name of the organization for which we want to retrieve the members.
  • filter: to retrieve “all” or only “2fa_disabled” users, optional.
  • role: to retrieve “all”, only non-owners (“member”) or only owners (“admin”), optional.
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list the members for organization 47deg:

val listMembers = gh.organizations.listMembers("47deg")
listMembers.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[User].

See the API doc for full reference.

Outside Collaborators

List outside collaborators

You can list the outside collaborators of your organization with listOutsideCollaborators; it takes as arguments:

  • org: name of the organization for which we want to retrieve the outside collaborators.
  • filter: to retrieve “all” or only “2fa_disabled” users, optional.
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list the outside collaborators for organization 47deg:

val outsideCollaborators = gh.organizations.listOutsideCollaborators("47deg")
outsideCollaborators.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[User].

See the API doc for full reference.

As you can see, a few features of the organization endpoint are missing.

As a result, if you’d like to see a feature supported, feel free to create an issue and/or a pull request!