Issue API

Github4s supports the Issue API. As a result, with Github4s, you can interact with:

The following examples assume the following code:

import cats.effect.IO
import github4s.Github
import github4s.domain.Label
import org.http4s.client.{Client, JavaNetClientBuilder}

val httpClient: Client[IO] = JavaNetClientBuilder[IO].create // You can use any http4s backend

val accessToken = sys.env.get("GITHUB_TOKEN")
val gh = Github[IO](httpClient, accessToken)


Create an issue

You can create an issue using createIssue; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • the content of the issue (title and body).
  • other optional parameters: milestone id, labels and assignees which are only taken into account if you have push access to the repository.

To create an issue:

val createIssue =
  gh.issues.createIssue("47degrees", "github4s", "Github4s", "is awesome", None, List("Label"), List("Assignee"))
createIssue.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the created Issue.

See the API doc for full reference.

Edit an issue

You can edit an existing issue using editIssue; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • the issue number.
  • the updated state of the issue (open or closed).
  • the edited content of the issue (title and body).
  • other optional parameters: milestone id, labels and assignees which are only taken into account if you have push access to the repository.

To edit an issue:

val editIssue =
  gh.issues.editIssue("47degrees", "github4s", 1, "open", "Github4s", "is still awesome", None, List("Label"), List("Assignee"))
editIssue.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

the result on the right is the edited Issue.

See the API doc for full reference.

List issues

You can also list issues for a repository through listIssues; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list the issues for a repository:

val listIssues = gh.issues.listIssues("47degrees", "github4s")
listIssues.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[Issue]. Note that it will contain pull requests as Github considers pull requests as issues.

See the API doc for full reference.

Get a single issue

You can also get a single issue of a repository through getIssue; it takes as arguments:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • number: The issue number.

To get a single issue from a repository:

val issue = gh.issues.getIssue("47degrees", "github4s", 17)
issue.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding Issue. Note that it will return pull requests as Github considers pull requests as issues.

See the API doc for full reference.

Search issues

Lastly, you can also search issues all across Github thanks to searchIssues; it takes as arguments:

  • a query string (the URL encoding is taken care of by Github4s).
  • a list of SearchParam.

Let’s say we want to search for the Scala bugs ( which contain the “existential” keyword in their title:

import github4s.domain._
val searchParams = List(
val searchIssues = gh.issues.searchIssues("existential", searchParams)
searchIssues.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is a SearchIssuesResult.

See the API doc for full reference.


List comments

You can list comments of an issue with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • number: The issue number.
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list comments:

val commentList = gh.issues.listComments("47degrees", "github4s", 17)
commentList.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[Comment]

See the API doc for full reference.

Create a comment

You can create a comment for an issue with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • number: The issue number.
  • body: The comment description.

To create a comment:

val createcomment = gh.issues.createComment("47degrees", "github4s", 17, "this is the comment")
createcomment.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is a Comment.

See the API doc for full reference.

Edit a comment

You can edit a comment from an issue with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • id: The comment id.
  • body: The new comment description.

To edit a comment:

val editComment = gh.issues.editComment("47degrees", "github4s", 20, "this is the new comment")
editComment.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is a Comment.

See the API doc for full reference.

Delete a comment

You can delete a comment from an issue with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • id: The comment id.

To delete a comment:

val deleteComment = gh.issues.deleteComment("47degrees", "github4s", 20)
deleteComment.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is Unit.

See the API doc for full reference.


List labels for this repository

You can list labels for an issue with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list labels:

val labelListRepository = gh.issues.listLabelsRepository("47degrees", "github4s")
labelListRepository.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[Label]

See the API doc for full reference.

Create a label

You can create label for an repository with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • label: Label for create (name, color and optional field desctiption)

To create label:

val label = Label(
    name = "bug",
    color = "ffffff",
    id = None,
    description = None,
    url = None,
    default = None
val createLabel = gh.issues.createLabel("47degrees", "github4s", label)
createLabel.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding created Label

See the API doc for full reference.

Update a label

You can update existing label for an repository with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • label: Label for update (name, color and optional field desctiption)

To update label:

val label = Label(
    name = "bug",
    color = "ffffff",
    id = None,
    description = None,
    url = None,
    default = None
val updateLabel = gh.issues.updateLabel("47degrees", "github4s", label)
updateLabel.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding updated Label

See the API doc for full reference.

Delete a label

You can delete existing label for an repository with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • label: The existing label name

To delete label:

val deleteLabel = gh.issues.deleteLabel("47degrees", "github4s", "bug")
deleteLabel.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is Unit.

See the API doc for full reference.

List labels

You can list labels for an issue with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • number: The issue number.
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list labels:

val labelList = gh.issues.listLabels("47degrees", "github4s", 17)
labelList.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[Label]

See the API doc for full reference.

Add labels

You can add existing labels to an issue with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • number: The issue number.
  • labels: The existing labels that require adding.

To add existing labels to an issue:

val assignedLabelList = gh.issues.addLabels("47degrees", "github4s", 17, List("bug", "code review"))
assignedLabelList.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding assigned List[Label]

See the API doc for full reference.

Remove a label

You can remove a label from an issue with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • number: The issue number.
  • label: The label that requires removing.

To remove an existing label from an issue:

val removedLabelList = gh.issues.removeLabel("47degrees", "github4s", 17, "bug")
removedLabelList.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding removed List[Label]

See the API doc for full reference.


List available assignees

You can list available assignees for issues in repo with the following parameters:

  • the repository coordinates (owner and name of the repository).
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.

To list available assignees:

val assignees = gh.issues.listAvailableAssignees("47degrees", "github4s")
assignees.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[User]

See the API doc for full reference.

As you can see, a few features of the issue endpoint are missing.

As a result, if you’d like to see a feature supported, feel free to create an issue and/or a pull request!


List milestones for a repository

You can list the milestone for a particular organization and repository with listMilestones; it takes arguments:

  • owner: name of the owner for which we want to retrieve the milestones.
  • repo: name of the repository for which we want to retrieve the milestones.
  • state: filter projects returned by their state. Can be either open, closed, all. Default: open, optional
  • sort: what to sort results by. Either due_on or completeness. Default: due_on, optional
  • direction the direction of the sort. Either asc or desc. Default: asc, optional
  • pagination: Limit and Offset for pagination, optional.
  • header: headers to include in the request, optional.

To list the milestone for owner 47deg and repository github4s:

val milestones = gh.issues.listMilestones("47degrees", "github4s", Some("open"), None, None)
milestones.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding List[Milestone]

See the API doc for full reference.

Create milestone

You can create a milestone for a particular organization and repository with createMilestone; it takes arguments:

  • owner: name of the owner for which we want to create the milestones.
  • repo: name of the repository for which we want to create the milestones.
  • state: The state of the milestone. Either open or closed. Default: open, optional
  • title: The title of the milestone.
  • description: A description of the milestone, optional
  • due_on: The milestone due date. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ, optional.
  • header: headers to include in the request, optional.

To create a milestone for owner 47deg and repository github4s:

val milestone = gh.issues.createMilestone("47degrees", "github4s", "New milestone",Some("open"), None, None)
milestone.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding Milestone

See the API doc for full reference.

Get a single milestone

You can also get a single milestone of a repository through getMilestone; it takes as arguments:

  • owner: name of the owner for which we want to retrieve the milestones.
  • repo: name of the repository for which we want to retrieve the milestones.
  • number: The milestone number.
  • header: headers to include in the request, optional.

To get milestone number 3254 for owner 47deg and repository github4s:

val milestone = gh.issues.getMilestone("47degrees", "github4s", 32)
milestone.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding Milestone

See the API doc for full reference.

Update a milestone

You can update a milestone for a particular organization and repository with updateMilestone; it takes arguments:

  • owner: name of the owner for which we want to create the milestones.
  • repo: name of the repository for which we want to create the milestones.
  • milestone_number: number of milestone.
  • state: The state of the milestone. Either open or closed. Default: open, optional
  • title: The title of the milestone.
  • description: A description of the milestone, optional
  • due_on: The milestone due date. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ, optional.
  • header: headers to include in the request, optional.

To update a milestone for owner 47deg and repository github4s:

val milestone = gh.issues.updateMilestone("47degrees", "github4s", 1 , "New milestone", Some("open"), None, None)
milestone.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is the corresponding Milestone

See the API doc for full reference.

Delete a milestone

You can delete a milestone for a particular organization and repository with deleteMilestone; it takes arguments:

  • owner: name of the owner for which we want to create the milestones.
  • repo: name of the repository for which we want to create the milestones.
  • milestone_number: number of milestone
  • header: headers to include in the request, optional.

To delete a milestone for owner 47deg and repository github4s:

val milestone = gh.issues.deleteMilestone("47degrees", "github4s", 1)
milestone.flatMap(_.result match {
  case Left(e)  => IO.println(s"Something went wrong: ${e.getMessage}")
  case Right(r) => IO.println(r)

The result on the right is Unit.

See the API doc for full reference.