Build the microsite

Once you have written your documents, you can build the microsite running this sbt task:

sbt> makeMicrosite

Internally, it’ll sequentially run other tasks including its own, mdoc, and makeSite (sbt-site) tasks.

Multiversion support

Starting on version 1.0.0 you can build microsites including different versions of your library. This is available for the light theme, and you need to have git installed and available in your system. Most probably you already have it, but in other case please check your system docs, or go to the git website on how to proceed.

The feature is based on the concept of git tags. If you have different tags on your library repository, and they include sbt-microsites as part of their builds, specify the versions you want to serve in a list with their tag names, through the setting micrositeVersionList:

micrositeVersionList := List("0.1.0", "0.2.0")

Then, run the following task:

sbt> makeMultiversionMicrosite

And your home, homeFeatures, and page layouts will include a selector pointing to those version specific microsites main sites on their top navbars.

View the microsite in your browser

If you’re running the microsite locally, you can follow these steps:

  1. In a shell, navigate to the generated site directory in target/site.

  2. Start Jekyll with jekyll serve. Bear in mind that depending on your micrositeBaseUrl setting, you might need to serve the site setting the base url. Execute Jekyll appending that value jekyll serve -b /yourbase_url

  3. Navigate to http://localhost:4000/ or http://localhost:4000/yourbase_url/ in your browser, where yourbase_url depends on your own preferences (see micrositeBaseUrl setting). Note, if you haven’t specified any micrositeBaseUrl setting, it’ll be empty by default.

Publish the microsite

From version 0.5.4, you have two options to publish the site:

  • sbt-ghpages: This is the default method. It uses the sbt-git plugin and the local ssh keys for pushing the changes.
  • github4s: Avoids using local ssh keys, publishing the site through the GitHub HTTP API and Github4s. By contrast, you need to specify a token.

Before publishing, a couple of requirements should be satisfied:

  1. Initialize the gh-pages branch, you can follow the instructions defined in the sbt-ghpages repository.
  2. Define micrositeGithubOwner and micrositeGithubRepo settings (if they can’t be infered from git remotes) and maybe the micrositePushSiteWith and micrositeGithubRepo settings. You can see more details regarding this in the Configuring the Microsite section.

Once both requirements are satisfied, you can just run:

sbt> publishMicrosite


sbt> publishMultiversionMicrosite

And that’s all. Behind the scenes, makeMicrosite or makeMultiversionMicrosite, and pushSite are invoked.

By default, the second task uses the sbt-ghpages plugin.

If you don’t have any domain names pointing to your site, you can see your microsite at:
