
Here are a few hints for local and travis environments to satisfy the jekyll requirement.

Local Environment

Depending on your platform, you might do this with:

yum install jekyll
apt-get install jekyll
gem install jekyll

Note: On MacOS X, /usr/bin/gem could install an incompatible version of jekyll. It is suggested that you use Homebrew to install ruby (which provides gem) before running gem install jekyll. You can also manage your Ruby installation through rvm.

Continuous Integration - Travis

If you have Travis enabled for your project, you can install the gem in the Travis install section:

  - rvm use 2.6.5 --install --fuzzy
  - gem install jekyll -v 4

Set it up in your Project

To begin, add the following lines to the project/plugins.sbt file within your project or the sbt module where you want to use the sbt-microsites plugin. Depending on the version, you might want to use:

Latest release:

addSbtPlugin("com.47deg"  % "sbt-microsites" % "1.4.4")

Finally, to enable the plugin, add this to your build.sbt file:


Write your documentation .md files

Your docs can be placed wherever you want in your project since there are sbt settings to point to the sources of your microsite, however the plugin expects to find the sources where mdoc have defined by default (docs/).